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Cruising Notices

Studland Bay No Anchor Zone

On 17th December 2021 the Marine Management Organisation (MMO) introduced an Interim Voluntary No Anchor Zone off South Beach. From 1st June 2022 the zone was extended North and Eastwards. The MMO will consider By-Laws banning anchoring together if boaters do not comply.

87 Eco Mooring Buoys are now in place as of May 2024 at a standard charge of £10. Google "Studland Bay No Anchor Zone" for more information and how to pay.

Portland Port Harbour Dues

It is a requirement that ALL vessels OPERATING within Portland Harbour pay Port & Harbour Dues, a Harbour Master rib may pay you a visit if you are at anchor! Harbour Dues are exempt for marina users, boatyard users and those engaged in YCW organised races.

The application process for the WSC Concession rate for 2025 season, whereby you pay the weekly rate for a 1 year, will appear here around mid February.

Cross Channel Reporting Formalities

UK Customs Reporting Procedures

Applicable if heading to, or returning from, any EU country or the Channel Islands.

UK Border force has launched its new digital reporting procedure SPCR. Click here.


Prior to departing the UK, complete and post HMRC Form C1331 Part 1. Returning to the UK, Fly Q Flag from 12 miles off, on arrival Phone National Yachtline before leaving your boat, complete and post Form C1331 Part 2. Click here

FRENCH Customs Reporting Procedures

You must enter France at a Port of Entry, final departure from France must also be from a Port of Entry. These are Caen-Ouistreham, Cherbourg, Diélette, Carteret, Granville, St Malo, St Brieux, Roscoff and Brest. Complete the PPF / PAF (Police aux Frontiere) form (one form per boat) and email it to the relevant port on or before arrival and on final departure from France (EU). A different form for different ports, with appropriate email address, is available on line from each. For all British citizens passports must be stamped on entry and on final exit from France (EU). All on board will have to present themselves in person to the PAF with passports and boat papers. Check with individual marina offices for PAF arrangements. Documents that may be required for inspection include: Ships registration, Proof of VAT payment, Boat Insurance, Red Diesel Receipts (remember, no red diesel allowed in cans), VHF licence and VHF Certificate of competence. No Q Flag required unless goods to declare.

For entering at Port Chantereyne Cherbourg go to their website using the link below. Use the Menu bars top left and follow "Prepare your Stopover at Port Chantereyne" then "Entry Procedure for Boaters from Third Countries ......"  Click here

St Albans Head & Portland Bill

Guidance notes for going East past St Albans Head and Durlston Head and going West past Portland Bill.  



St Albans Head inshore passage lies approximatly 15Nm from Weymouth harbour with Durlston Head a further 3.7Nm. Should the sea be rough then going outside is recomended. You will need to plan a course to take you at least 4/5Nm offshore. However should Lulworth Firing Range be active you will also be required to detour South otherwise you will be chased away by the Lulworth Range Safety Boat (Ch8). For up to date sea conditions you can also call the NCI at St Albans Head (Ch65).

Portland Bill lies approximately 7Nm from Weymouth. Notorious it may be - also called the 'Day Skippers Cape Horn' - but at the right tide times, departing Weymouth no earlier than 3 hours after HW Portland, the inshore passage will give you a magnificent push start across Lyme Bay if going West. Returning from the east it is essential to get the correct arrival time at Portland Bill to ensure safe passage. Of course if your are passaging say Dartmouth to the Needles you will likely take the outside passage. For up to date sea conditions call Portland Bill NCI (Ch65).

Last updated 17:54 on 5 February 2025

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